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From offline to online concert performances, what challenges will LED displays face?

NEWS concert performances5040

According to recent epidemic prevention and control data in many places in China, the new crown epidemic that broke out in the first and second quarters of this year has not yet shown an obvious turning point, and the market situation is quite severe. For the LED display market, the most affected is the stage rental screen market. However, as the performing arts industry seeks a breakthrough and a way out, and promotes the online attempt of performance content and technology, the stage rental market has also experienced a different market turnaround with the rise of this new performance model.


From offline to online concert performances, what challenges will LED displays face?

LED screen under the trend of “cross time and space”

On the evening of April 15, the live broadcast of Cui Jian’s online concert was launched on the WeChat video account platform. The nearly 4-hour live broadcast attracted more than 44 million views and over 100 million likes. This has also set a new record for the number of online concerts and concerts viewed online recently. The stage of this concert is different from offline concerts that use a lot of lighting and creative shapes to build dazzling stage effects. The stage consists of three LED rectangular walls, a top screen above the stage, an LED grille screen, and an LED floor screen. Built with three steps. The stage background changes with the songs, and it may not be as lively as the live performance, but with the support of LED displays and various live video equipment, the live performance has a strong atmosphere. With the support of the new media, the enthusiasm of the audience in front of the screen has not diminished. The comment area has replaced the on-site shouting, the praise has replaced the light stick, and the bullet screen in the live broadcast room is scrolling rapidly. warm. During the entire performance, although there was only one audience in the audience, millions of people were online at the same time in the live broadcast room, “making the scene less lonely.” Cui Jian has repeatedly invited the audience to interact, allowing the audience in front of the screen to communicate “across time and space”.


From offline to online concert performances, what challenges will LED displays face?

As the epidemic situation in various places continues for a long time, the performing arts industry has also entered a cold winter in the market. How to persevere in the depressed market environment has become a question that everyone in the entertainment industry is thinking about, and the online performance plan has become an important option. Performing arts and streaming media actively cooperate to present live performances online, which has become a common phenomenon with the normalization of the epidemic. At the same time, with the continuous development of the Internet industry, many live video platforms have also continued to plan live performances, from simple live performances at first, to audiovisual entertainment that uses digital technology to bring audiences a stronger sense of presence. This new type of performance presentation has also prompted changes in stage design. For a long time, LED display screen, as a part of stage construction, has a wide range of applications and plays an increasingly important role in shaping the stage beauty. Correspondingly, in the LED display market, the market demand for stage beauty rental has increased, becoming the entire industry. One of the important industry markets. The epidemic has had a huge impact on the performing arts industry, and it has also had a big impact on the LED display market.

“Background board” to “All-round screen”


To a certain extent, the form of online performances has the same meaning as the requirements for evening performances and variety performances, but in terms of content, it has a higher standard. In a sense, online performances lose the sense of presence and ceremony of online performances, so how to show the charm of online live performances to the greatest extent in a small screen frame, we must rely on other “props”. Due to the use of live broadcast, synchronization and a virtual sense of presence are required to ensure the wonderful interpretation of the entire performance and the sense of audience participation. Many online performances choose to use the assistance of technologies such as XR. The application of LED displays on the stage has gradually changed from a “background board” to an important part of the creative concept integrated into the entire stage, which has become increasingly indispensable with the support of these new technologies. With the integration of new technologies such as AR, 5G real-time transmission, human-screen interaction, and new media interactive devices, the LED display screen highlights the dazzling and shocking effect of the stage, and is favored by various party stages. However, ordinary stage rental screens are not enough to deal with t

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